I Met Jesus and He Likes Bacon Cheeseburgers
It's easy to help someone we like, trust or have something in common with. However, how easy is it for us to help someone, in which we have nothing in common. Someone who could never pay us back or someone who you might otherwise think despicable. Are you cable of doing that? Can you reach down and truly display human compassion, kindness and love outside of your own sphere of influence? Can you do it with out the covering of a non-profit, government agency or social cause? Can you really help someone one to one? Now don't misunderstand me, I'm not against causes, agencies or non-profits. As a matter of fact, I support some of them on a consistent basis. However, what I am talking about is getting your hands "dirty" where the rubber meets the road. Truly reaching out, shaking the hands of someone needing help, without immediately reaching for the hand sanitizer. For one brief moment in time, loving so...